As a Christian, Elias strongly believes in the traditional values which made our state and our country great.
Elias has personally experienced what tyrannical, unfree societies are like. That is why he will fight for liberty.
Elias isn’t an ideologue. He will honor his oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States and our state.
Free Markets
Market forces should be allowed to act freely. The government should never try to correct them through arbitrary regulations.
American Energy
Traditional forms of energy like coal, oil, and natural gas must be utilized to power our economy and keep us safe during natural disasters.
American Pride
Students should never learn to hate our country or each other. They must also learn of the founding principles and documents of our nation.
Tax Reform
The tax system in West Virginia must be reformed. Some forms of taxation should be eliminated altogether, such as the income tax.
Religious Freedom
West Virginia ranks 49th in religious freedom. The fundamental right of Americans to worship freely must be guaranteed.
Better Health
Healthcare costs continue to rise while its quality plummets. Healthcare providers should be allowed to operate efficiently.
Tackling Opioids
The opioid epidemic in our state is the worst in the country. People who suffer from drug addiction need help to overcome their substance abuse problems.
School Choice
Parents who want the best education for their children should not be penalized. The money they pay into the system should follow their child.
The District
The 67th House District of West Virginia includes the Eastern half of Randolph county and the Western half of Pendleton county. The highest point in West Virginia is at Spruce Knob in Pendleton County.The District’s population is slightly under 18,000.